Sometimes you're prepared other times you're not...
Late last night we got a call from one of my Nonna's friends in Italy, we understood that Nonna was in the hospital and not in a good condition, but as the friend only spoke Italian, we could not really understand. We finally got a hold of an American cousin who lives in Italy and is fluent in Italian and got him to contact the Hospital. After what felt like hours of waiting, and praying a Rosary, the phone finally rang...
Nonna was dead. She had passed away not long before that from a heart attack.
We all broke down crying. It was unexpected. She was in good health other than her spine collapsing (due to polio at a young age) and putting pressure on her organs. She was always delicate, but strong at the same time. We knew she was getting on, but we thought she had more time. No one was expecting this, no one could quite comprehend it.
My Nonna was an amazing person.
She moved to Italy not long after I was born. She felt at home there and wanted to go back to her roots. She came back for visits, but never moved back to the US. She loved Italy, she loved the culture. Sometimes, she could almost speak Italian better than English, or would slip Italian words into her conversations with us without even knowing it.
She was an exceptional woman. At a young age she contracted polio (the year before the vaccine came out), she spent months in the hospital and in doctor's offices. At a young age she was put through tremendous pain and suffering. The doctor's said she would never be able to have children, and didn't expect her to be able to walk ever again. Well let me tell you this, she had eight children and walked her whole life, only rarely, later in life, using a wheelchair. If that isn't spunk and determination, I don't know what is.
I remember, when ever she laughed, she always stuck her tongue out between her teeth a little bit. When I was a little, I wanted to laugh just like her and would mimic her. It was the most endearing laugh, it made you want to laugh with her. When I was little she patiently taught the oh so impatient granddaughter that I was to crochet. Oh the time it took. But she was always patient with me, and put up with my lack of focus. She always made me feel loved. She never judged, snapped, or looked disapproving. She always loved, supported and cared. She was the perfect Nonna.
I will always miss my Nonna.
I never got to say goodbye. We never know how long we have with our loved ones. Life is uncertain. I kept telling myself that I would see her when I went to Italy next year. I would hear all of her stories about Italy and our family, about all our relatives and the past. I would have plenty of time than to really bond with her and get to know her better. I used all of this as an excuse to not take the time to Skype with her when I was busy, not send her emails to update her on life, not take the time to ask her how she was.
I regret every moment I placed my busy schedule before her. I should have taken the time to listen to her stories and talk to her when I had the chance. I will never hear her voice again. I will never see her smile again. I will never feel her hugs again. I will never be able to speak with her again.
Time is short, life is not guaranteed. Go hug your loved ones, spend time with your grandparents, tell your family how much they mean to you. Every moment you spend selfishly, you will regret. Give your time generously to those who love you, you will be grateful when the time comes when you no longer can give them your time.
I love you so much Nonna, I know you'll be in heaven soon if you already aren't. You were a beautiful, strong woman who inspired me more than I ever let you know. You suffered so much in this life, you deserve to be happy in the next. I wish I had spent more time with you, I wish I had told you more often how much I loved you, I wish you had just a little more time on earth so I could have said goodbye. I miss you so much. I hope one day to see you again. But until then, I hope you are looking down on me and smiling. I love you.
Please pray for the repose of the soul of my Nonna, Karen Prati.
Also, please keep my her siblings, children, grandchildren and friends in your prayers in this time of grief. Her funeral will be this Saturday, In Italy. Both my mother, and sister (and other extended family members) have flown over to make arrangements and attend the funeral. Please keep their safe travel in your prayers.
Eternal rest grant unto her, O Lord.
And let perpetual light shine upon her.
May she rest in peace.
May her soul and the souls of all the faithful departed,
through the mercy of God,
rest in peace.
~Alyssa <3
I'm so sorry for your loss Alyssa! I'll be praying for you!