Monday, February 23, 2015

Banana Ice Cream

No it's not summer, but you know what? The cold never bothered me anyway... Okay, sorry not sorry about the frozen quotes, I'm still kind of in love with that movie. And it's not true, the cold does bug me. Quite a lot actually. I seem to be continually wearing warm sweaters, wrapping up in fuzzy blankets, sitting in front of fireplaces and complaining about the cold. I really am a summer person, and yet I live in Oregon... Oh wait, I don't anymore actually. I live in Washington now. :/ Still in denial about that. I'll just keep telling myself I'm in Oregon, it's close enough. ;)

But the other day, I found myself craving something yummy, sweet, healthy and cold (yes, I crave healthy things, weird right?). I knew I didn't want ice cream and that is just too sweet and much too much dairy. I never feel too great after eating that much sugar and dairy together. Which is quite sad as I love, love, love ice cream. So that got me thinking, there's got to be a non diary, no added sugar substitute for ice cream. And sure enough there is!

The secret? Bananas. No seriously, just bananas, nothing else. The great thing about this is it can count as your fruit for the day, not have a bunch of added sugar, and still be quite yummy.

All you do is slice a banana into thin slices, freeze it over night and than puree it all together in a food processor. And voila! All done! That simple. Is it as sweet, creamy, and mouthwatering as real ice cream. No, not quite, but is anything? Is it a quite good substitute for vegan, dairy free, and/or no added sugar people? Yes!

I must admit I was actually quite surprised at the texture. It was surprisingly like ice cream. If you want it a little more solid and frozen (haha, frozen pun again XP) you can put it back in the freezer for a while, but when I made it I wanted to eat it then, not later. And it was quite good just like that. :)

~Alyssa <3

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