Wednesday, October 15, 2014

Chia seeds?

As I'm sure most of you know I'm kinda of a health freak. Healthful food just makes me really, really happy. Sorry not sorry. ;)
So when I saw a recipe for chia seed pudding I freaked out "ohhhhh myyyyyy goshhhhh! I neeeeed toooo makeeee thissss! Mummmyyyy, Muuuummmmmmmyyyyyyy!! I neeeeeeed toooo makeeee thisssss!"
It said it was a lot like tapioca pudding, but a low sugar breakfast alternative. That sounded great. I love pudding and I'm always looking for new breakfast foods.

So I got the ingredients and got down to business. I whipped it up last night and than let it chill overnight.

Chia seeds

All mixed together

When I dragged myself out of bed this morning the first thought on my mind was "yummmmyyyyy breakfast!!!" I quickly jumped out of bed (okay to be honest I slowly rolled out of my bed and fell on the floor where I proceeded to sleep for another ten minutes), ran downstairs (e.i. half fell, half walked slowly down the stairs) and bounced into the kitchen (slept walked). I pulled the pudding out of the fridge and dished up a bowl with a smile on my face (might have been a weird half smile...)

 Finally the first bite, so full of expectations, how amazing would it be? I was guessing it would be about a 8.5 on a scale of 1-10. I slowly took the first bite, I closed my eyes, I savored it, I almost puked. It was probably about a -3 on the scale. Yes, that bad. The aftertaste was the most disgusting thing ever. Eww.

I didn't want to give up though! I wanted to succeed! I thought to myself "What can I put in make it slightly more edible?" So I went to the cabinet pulled out a few ingredients and started mixing them in. A little cocoa powder, a little sugar, a little almond flavoring. It made it...better... I could at least eat it now. Sort of...

I would have continued dumping more ingredients in but at this point my stomach was having quite the loud conversation with itself. I didn't feel like I could put off feeding it any longer without the possibility of a revolt. So I sat down, eyed the "pudding" and quickly ate some. It was...well...not quite as bad. The other flavors covered up the chia seeds a little but not nearly enough. By the time I had finished my small bowl of it I was ready to gag. It was sickening. The chia seeds have a very strong aftertaste that is just quite disgusting honestly. I don't know who's idea it is to eat all these weird seeds. But there is a reason they are not a part of a human's normal diet. They aren't edible. Don't eat them! It's a trap! Some horrible creature wanted to torture humans and so he was like "haha, I'll tell them that chia seeds are to eat, this is going to be so funny!" Ya, it might be funny for him. But I can tell you this: it is not funny for the consumer.
Don't fall into this evil creatures trap. Do not consume chia seeds, they are from the devil himself.

~Alyssa <3

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