Tuesday, October 13, 2015

I dub thee...

Pina Colada cake. No this post is not about dashing knights and damsels in distress. Though that might be more interesting... But I'm sorry, it's only about divine cakes and well...okay fine, you could say it's about damsels in distress.

A while back was my mum's birthday and for some reason she decided to give me free reign over the cake. No guidelines, no nothing. Just me, my mind and the internet to come up with a satisfactory cake. Hehe, yessssssss! I love the freedom that gives me, to be completely creative and not follow any set ideas.

With my mind still in Hawaii, and my stomach full from the chocolate cheesecake my mum had just made the day before, I decided on a fruity slightly less overly-sweet cake. But than I looked at the fruit we had in the house...apples...for some reason that was all the fresh fruit we had. Apple cakes though very good, are boring. Been there, done that, you know what I mean? So I stuck my head (and shoulders) into the freezer and dug around until I found the frozen fruit: a few mixed berries, some blueberries and pineapple. And that's when it hit me in the face (no not literally, I'm not THAT clumsy...), I wanted some pineapple...and some coconut. Because...well sometimes you just get these cravings and you just have to satisfy them. Like at 2am when you just need some chocolate ice cream and you have to sneak into the kitchen and grab the tub and a spoon and satisfy the craving so you can get back to sleep (don't try to deny that this has happened to you before, we all know you're lying.)

Back to the cake though. I found a splendid, moist pineapple cake that called for canned pineapple and pineapple juice. And well, all I had was frozen pineapple. Improvising time! Did you know if you put boiling water in with frozen pineapple it ends up kinda making pineapple juice? Sort of... Good enough anyways :P

The recipe called for a vanilla seven minute frosting (basically just egg whites and sugar all whipped up). I mean booooooorriiiiiiing, right? Can I get an amen?! Besides, it's a waste of egg whites in my oh so humble opinion. Just kidding, it's not humble. Who am I kidding?  No one Alyssa, you're not kidding anyone. Fair enough... Now be quiet so I can move on.

Anywho...I went and grabbed a decent looking coconut cream cheese frosting recipe and whipped that up. And than I tasted it...and grabbed a spoon and made my mum taste it. I believe she muttered a "that is divine" as she drooled over the delectable mouthful. Stop exaggerating Alyssa! Your mum didn't drool and say that. Stop sensible voice in my head! You're ruining the story. But fine, she wasn't drooling per-say...but she did call it divine. And I completely agree. It was fantastic. Quite possibly the best frosting I've ever tasted. I'm sorry for all you coconut haters, you're missing out big time here.

And the best part? There are leftovers. Hehehe...totally not going to eat them whenever I get sad... Nooo... I wouldn't do that... Pshh, who do you take me for?

But yes, all put together the cake was fabulous. Not too overly sweet, which is always lovely. You don't want to finish your piece of cake and than feel like you're going to be sick. Or get that sugar coated feeling in your mouth that makes you feel dehydrated but water does nothing to help... Know what I mean? It's gross.

This cake was honestly one of my favorite cakes ever. And this leads to the damsel in distress part...To eat the whole cake and not share or be the kind, proper person and only eat a piece? Humph, I hate logic. I mean give me one good nice illogical reason that I can't take that cake to my room and consume the whole thing while I cry tears of joy? One illogical reason and I'll probably agree with you. But all this logic of "you'll be sick", "that's not nice", "sharing is caring", "no one should eat that much cake". I mean just stop talking mind. I'm not listening. Or rather I am and I don't like what I hear. But fine, fine, yes I did share the cake. I mean it was for my mum's birthday... So I kind of had to... But forget that part. Lets just attribute it to the goodness of my heart instead. That's much more flattering. And a little (a lot rather) flattery is always good.

~Alyssa <3